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  3. Tour with ADvance Lab, a research institute for the next generation, where next-generation researchers visit the Center of Garage and discuss their vision of the future with the resident ventures.
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Tour with ADvance Lab, a research institute for the next generation, where next-generation researchers visit the Center of Garage and discuss their vision of the future with the resident ventures.

December 26, 2024,GLOCALINK Inc.(headquartered in Sumida-ku, Tokyo; Yoshinobu Osaka, President; hereinafter "Glocalink"), and Center of Garage (hereinafter "COG"), a research institute for the next generation.ADvance Lab(COG) collaborated to hold the "Knowing the Wisdom of Craftsmen - Bio x Monozukuri Venture Company Tour." As part of the tour, next-generation researchers (first-year high school students to second-year university students) belonging to the ADvance Lab from across Japan visited the COG to discuss with COG tenant companies about the nature of manufacturing that leads to solutions to problems and the future development that teenagers are thinking about.


ADvance Lab is a research institute for the next generation by the next generation, with researchers of all ages, from junior high school students to university students, conducting cutting-edge research, planning and holding workshops, etc. At ADvance Lab, individual next-generation researchers deepen their knowledge in their fields of expertise, learn from each other, and engage in diverse activities to contribute to society. The ADvance Lab will foster a research community of next-generation researchers and contribute to the development of future society through the publication of academic results, the practical application of technology, and social activities by conducting a variety of activities to deepen the knowledge of next-generation researchers in their specialized fields, learn from each other, and contribute to society.


Recently, COG and ADvance Lab collaborated to hold "Knowing the Wisdom of Craftsmen - Bio x Manufacturing Venture Company Tour. The purpose of the tour was to broaden the perspectives of next-generation researchers and engineers by learning about the efforts of COG's venture companies that utilize wisdom from a variety of fields. The purpose of the tour was to broaden the perspectives of next-generation researchers and engineers by learning about the efforts of COG's tenant venture companies that utilize the wisdom of multiple fields. The tour, which mainly targeted next-generation researchers, provided an opportunity to learn about the connection between research and the local community and the process of putting research to practical use through visits to local factories and companies. The program provided an opportunity for all those who are interested in "biotechnology" and "agriculture" as well as those who are attracted to manufacturing to learn while having fun.開催予告12-26-cogcenter-of-garage-x-advance-labで-職人の知恵を知る会-~/


<Consultation with COG venture companies


◆Gloka Link Corporation
Rep: OSAKA Yoshinobu
Address : Center of Garage, 1-16-3 Yokogawa, Sumida-ku, Tokyo

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